Rally Obedience
RALLY OBEDIENCE is a station approach to developing obedience skills. Dogs and their handlers are a team as they follow a sequence of stations requiring them to perform individual obedience exercises. Handlers are encouraged to talk to their dogs as they perform the exercises demonstrating their ability to work together and to be able to work on a loose leash at all times. Rally Obedience is open to all dogs regardless of their heritage.
Owners can compete with their dogs or just do it for FUN!! There are 5 levels each requiring more obedience skill. They are:
Novice (on leash)
Intermediate (on leash)
Advanced (off leash)
Execellent (off leash)
Masters (off leash)
In competition to move from one level to the next dog/owner teams must have 3 qualifying scores with a minimum score of 70 out of 100 points.